Thursday, August 8, 2019

Why is Panhu such a political entity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why is Panhu such a political entity - Essay Example Having been with a the company of an invading political figure in the character of Di Ku, he appears to embody a subject whose success implies either acquisition of rank or political reward of choice. The Yao people have become highly associated with such merits when the ‘Yaoren’ who lived in the mountains (Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hunan) were privileged to take no part in paying taxes and have no administrative responsibilities. In profound reference to the exemplary deeds of the Yao/Moyao ancestral lines that trace back to the time of Panhu, eventually, generous provisions extended to the descendants who were known to possess strong relations with the culture of the dragon-dog. Through the continuous honor and respect for Panhu, people of the mountains further took advantage of the socio-political fortunes including exemption from all taxes, autonomy, especially freedom from the control of the influential communities and powerful Chinese officials (Eli

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