Sunday, August 11, 2019

Real estate development Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Real estate development - Coursework Example Pollutants are thus deposited on the land from the water course. Fly-tippers are also a chief cause of the current state of the land. Their illegal dumping activities have further worsened the state of the land. Dangerous materials are as a result strewn all over the land and would be one of the major obstacles in development of the land. An old windmill is also present in the middle of the site which would cause inconveniences during the construction. In addition buried power cables that are at unknown locations in the land are also a possible hazard for people wishing to undertake any activity in the land. The school is the major party involved with the development project and their main objective is the construction of a new sports’ center. The local council which offered land to the school however has a condition that flats as well as commercial use (artists’ studios) should be developed in the land. Due to these two projects, careful planning should be done before the project is started to prevent any complications of construction. The location of the site is the first major statutory issue that is facing the project. As described the land â€Å"is bordered on one side by the river Wandle, a small water course that has become silted up and polluted†. This location is a very unsuitable area for human dwelling. Working in such an area therefore has a multitude of risks which include being in the wrong side of the law according to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1974). The windmill in the middle of the site dates from the mid-19th century and its demolition would be illegal without consultation of the local planning authority according to the Town and Country Planning Act (1990). This is because it is described to appear in the local list as a building of historic interest. Fly-tipping is an illegal activity according to the Environmental Protection Act

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