Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Automobile and Martha Johnson Essay

Martha Johnson is a mid- class work family. Martha’s goals are buy a car, rent an apartment, stay home and be a full time student, go on vacation, or save the money. The money she has it is from her aunt. Her aunt passed away and left Martha money. I am writing this essay to recommend my option on how Martha Johnson should spend her money. The chose I am going to make is going to help her out how to spend her money. The first goal that Martha has in mind is to buy a car. The advantages is that she has a car that she can use to go to school and go to work. She can also use the car to take her mom to her doctor appointments. Also she can go to the store when she wants to buy something like food, or clothes she will go shopping. The disadvantages is that Martha will have to pay for gas and pay car insurance for the car she buys. She will need to buy a use car not a new car. Also she would need to repair the car if it has any problems with the car. The second goal is that Martha wants to rent an apartment to herself and share it with a roommate also she is going to be a full time student . The advantages is that Martha will have her own place and wont be living with her parents. She will also be close to school and she will be walking instead of driving to school. She will also will be able to finish her career early.

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